Advertise on our Vans and be seen

van with advertising

Get your message, products and services in front of your target prospects.

"We finally have an affordable way to advertise in our local area. We now get far more leads than Google Ads." James Garmy

Your own mobile billboard

100s of vehicles profiles are available for you to pick from. Choose where you want to advertise and be seen by 10,000's of road users every day.

Sighted Driver Profile

The Benefits

Sighted provides businesses with the ability to have their very own mobile billboard.


Advertising with Sighted is very cost effective. It offers a better return on investment than other forms of outdoor mobile advertising.

Location Specific

Target specific areas using our state of the art tracking technology.
Relatively cheaper than printed media advertisements yet just as localised.

Campaign Reporting

We can provide detailed reports and statistical analysis of your campaigns.
Audience measurement technology can also be enabled for campaigns.

How does it work?

  •   Let us know the locations you wish to target.
  •   We provide a list of vehicle profiles that match your criteria.
  •   We can assist with artwork if you don't have a preferred graphic artist.
  •   Your advertisements are attached to the chosen vehicles.
  •   You will receive monthly progress reports of visited locations including time & day.
  •   Extend your campaign and get a discounted rate.

Why is Sighted better?

If you’re trying to advertise your company, service or product – you’ve got a lot of competition for your buyer’s attention across traditional marketing channels, like television commercials, radio, digital media and outdoor advertising. Marketing studies have shown that outdoor advertising is one of the most competitive and effective forms of advertising products and services, with 9/10 people encounter outdoor advertising each day. These ads cannot be blocked, so they are difficult for consumers to ignore.

Further research, however, shows that some outdoor mobile advertising such as buses and taxis have inherent shortcomings, as they fail to consistently deliver the promised geographical targeting or expected return. We wanted to address the shortfalls we discovered in the market by building our platform, Sighted.

How does Sighted compare?

Sighted Bus Ads Taxi Ads Fixed Billboards
Choice of campaign duration
Geographic location targeting
Time & location reporting by actively tracking the advertisement
Audience measurement technology

Get in touch

Do you have a question, feedback or suggestion? Give us a call or fill out our contact form, we'd love to hear from you.


Tullamarine, Victoria, 3043
Melbourne, Australia


(1300 744 483)

Contact Us

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